Sunday, February 3, 2013

may to January. ...

So as you can see I am way behind and I say that every time... One day I won't  be so behind...
So I left off  on in April so now on to may!

I learned how to do eyelash extentions I have since stopped cause it was killin my back especially since I'm more use to standing while working.... so sadly it only lasted a few months.

June I colored my hair a dark redish brown. And started many trips to seven peaks water park. At the end of June was quite a shock when my grandma dearden suddenly passed away one day making strawberry jam with my mom and the next day in the hospital and the next she's gone how grateful I am that I was able to be there for her last breath. My grandma taught me so much. My grandma and my grandpa are the best examples for me and though she is gone I still want to be as she was.  I love you grandma I hope you're having fun with kaiya, Garrett, and sonja.

July started out very busy it started with all my siblings coming for my grandma's funeral so they arrived then travis best friend Chandler got married and Travis was  one of the groomsman. The next day was the funeral I was so grateful to have all my siblings there.  The next day went to the park for a family dinner after my cousins vanessas baby blessing for jaxen. Me and travis took off early to head to Vegas for my birthday we left Sunday afternoon and came back Tuesday just in time to get ready and leave again for travis other best friend cams wedding.  by then all my siblings we gone but Jared and his two girls.

Not to much happened in august besides Travis started another semester of school which one thing awesome that did happen was Travis was able to get a grant for school!!!

This wonderful month brought me shingles how fun right they weren't actually that bad besides the burning and itching feeling was no fun.

Trav turned 23 and we had a big feast of  fast food... Halloween Trav dressed up as a girl and I dressed up as a little kid.

 November one of my best friends kami left on her mission to Canada! Thanksgivings we spent it with my in laws since it was the first Thanksgiving in 3 or 4 years that everyone was able to be here.

December our first Christmas together and our first anniversary.  I had to work the day before and the day after for Christmas and it was my normal day off so it was a busy day for me ha ha but it was great first Christmas :). For our anniversary we went to outback for dinner and went back to the hotel we spent our first night on our honeymoon. It was awesome and I am so grateful Travis he is my best friend for eternity I love you babe!!

For New Years eve we baby sat travs nieces it was so fun! We celebrated at about 9:30 with the girls then me and trav played video games then I crashed about 1030 woke up 10 mins before midnight but crashed again before it hit 12 ha ha
I'd say so far it's been a great year.

Pictures coming soon!!!